Uploading a spreadsheet that is populated with site information is a quick way to import Sites into puush.
- Site data can only be uploaded by users within the "Manager" group.
- From any starting location, click on the "Sites" dropdown in the top menu. Click on the "Bulk upload Sites" link.
- If applicable, select the client that the uploaded sites belong to from the first drop down menu.
- Click on the "Choose File" button and point your browser to the file you would like to upload.
- Uploaded files must be in XLS or XLSX format and must contain a single row header with labels exactly matching the data point labels you wish to upload. Each site must be on a single row and each site must contain a unique identifier or name. Do not include any blank rows.
- Fill in the appropriate "Sheet Number". This is the number of the sheet, from left to right, that contains the data you wish to upload. If the data is on the first sheet in your spreadsheet, this will be "1".
- Fill in the appropriate "Header Row" to let puush know what row in the spreadsheet contains the data headers and labels. This number corresponds with the row number in your spreadsheet, ie "1" for the top most row.
- Fill in the appropriate "Unique Identifier Column". This is the column that puush will use as the "Site Name" for each site entered. These names must be unique across the spreadsheet. If puush finds duplicates you will not be able to upload the sites. The column should be entered as a letter as shown in your spreadsheet, ie "A" for the left most column in a sheet.
- Puush will parse your data and present a screen allowing you to review what data will be uploaded and what sites will be created.
- To remove columns from the upload, click on the red "x" next to the column header.
- If changes are made to any of the data points, clicking "Verify" at the bottom will re-parse the data and present you with another verification screen.
- If no changes are made, clicking "Verify" at the bottom of the screen will commit all data to your account and create your new sites.