
Creating custom site document notifications

Create custom notifications to receive email notices at a specified date.  Use this feature to remind you when leases are expiring, when maintenance tasks are due to be reevaluated, and more.

Create a notification

  1. Navigate to the Site.
  2. Open the "Documents" section.
  3. Click on the "Edit" icon to the right of the document you wish to be notified on.
  4. Open the "Create Notification" section.
  5. Set your notification Start Date, Interval and Description.  Leave Interval blank for one time only notifications.  Click "Add" to create your notification.
  6. You will receive a notification via email, sms, or within puush per your personal Settings, on the morning of the Start Date selected, as well as on each interval as defined.

Removing Notifications

  1. Navigate to the documents edit view as done to create a new notification.
  2. Click on the "Delete" icon to remove the notification.
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