
Project Deliverables

What are Project Deliverables?

Project Deliverables are the key steps that you wish to track within your project.  Puush tracks who and when these steps have been completed.


Project Deliverable Options

  • Deliverable Name - Describe the project step or milestone you wish to track.  This name should be concise in order to fit within the project completion tables.  Projects should avoid having multiple Deliverables with the same name.
  • Span - Span is the number of days this step should take to complete from the time it is started.  This field is used when populating new entries into the project or using one project as a template for a new project.
  • Require Review - When enabled, a review phase will be enforced on the Deliverable.  A review may be completed by any user with "manage" permission on the project, or by any users explicitly assigned to review the Deliverable.  Users will submit Deliverable for review, then reviewers will be notified, and finally, reviewers may accept and complete the Deliverable, or reject it for further work by the original submitter.
  • Default Due Date - Project wide due date used for the Deliverable.  Per Asset/Site due dates may be assigned which override this date.
  • Highlight Late - When enabled, cells in the Project Completion table that are past due will be highlighted for quick recognition.
  • Prerequisites - One or more other Deliverables that preceed the Deliverable in question may be selected as Prerequisites.  Prerequisites must be completed before this deliverable is available for review or completion.
  • Progress Flags - Progress flags allow a Deliverable to mark special overall progress levels for the asset.  These flags are optional, but help track status within the Project Completion Table and Explorer Map.
    • Assigned - When completed, the asset will be tagged as "assigned" for the project.  If no Deliverables are have this flag checked, then the assignment of any Deliverable will mark the asset as "assigned".
    • Scheduled - When completed, the asset will be tagged as "scheduled" for the project.  If no Deliverables are have this flag checked, then the scheduling of any Deliverable will mark the asset as "scheduled".
    • Completed - When completed, the asset will be considered completed for the project.  If no Deliverables are have this flag checked, then the asset will be considered complete when all Deliverables have been completed.

Creating Deliverables

  1. From the Project Overview screen, click on the "Edit Project" icon (only available with "manage" permission).
  2. Scroll down and find the "Deliverables" section.  Click the "Add" icon.
  3. Fill out the Deliverable options then click "Create" to add the new Deliverable to your project.

Editing Deliverables

  1. From the Edit Project screen.  Find the Deliverables section.  Click on the name of the Deliverable to edit.
  2. Modify options as needed.  Click "Update" to save changes.

Re-Ordering Deliverables

  1. From the Edit Project screen.  Find the Deliverables section. Click on any blue space in the Deliverable place holder and drag it up and down to order the list as necessary.

Sub-Deliverables (Beta)

This feature is offered for early access testing. Beta features are stable to use, but may not be fully integrated into the puush platform.  Use at your discretion.  Feedback on Beta features can be submitted to and is greatly appreciated.

Sub-Deliverables behave much like standard Deliverables, except they relate to the completion of a parent Deliverable.  Parent Deliverables may not be completed until all Sub-Deliverables are completed or disabled.

Creating Sub-Deliverables

  1. From the Edit Project screen.  Find the Deliverables section.  Click on the Sub-Deliverable arrow icon on the right side of the Deliverable place holder.
  2. Fill out the Deliverable options then click "Create" to add the new Sub-Deliverable to your project.
  3. Sub-Deliverable Prerequisites may only be other Sub-Deliverables under the same parent Deliverable.
  4. Sub-Deliverables may not be used as project progress flags.
  5. New Sub-Deliverables will display in the list nested within their parent and may be re-ordered by dragging their place holder.

Viewing Sub-Deliverables

  1. Project Completion Table
    1. Deliverables that contain Sub-Deliverables will display an icon.  Click to toggle display of Sub-Deliverables on and off.
    2. Sub-Deliverables are indicated by a preceeding arrow.
  2. Site/Asset View
    1. Sub-Deliverables are shown by default for parent Deliverables that have not been completed.  Click the display toggle icon on the right of the parent Deliverable row to show or hide Sub-Deliverables.

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